Disposable Headphones

Bulk and Wholesale Headphones

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Classroom Hygiene Issues Solved by Disposable Headphones

As schools prepare to reopen under strict safety guidelines this fall, teachers and administrators are more concerned than ever with minimizing the spread of viruses and keeping students as safe and healthy as possible while class is in session. Because of this, a number of traditional school supplies will be replaced by disposable, single-use products intended to eliminate the need for sharing communal equipment. Disposable headphones for classroom use are among these beneficial solutions. Here are some of the hygiene issues that can easily be solved by equipping each student in your classroom with disposable headphones.

Protect Against Viruses and Bacteria
It goes without saying that the upcoming 2020-2021 school year will be characterized by the efforts of teachers and school administrators to keep kids protected against the new coronavirus. However, since most of the school year takes place during cold and flu season, education professionals have more than one virus to worry about in order to maintain a clean, germ-free classroom! Since bacteria, viruses, and other yucky things that cause illness can often be found on communal supplies, such as classroom headphones, opting for a disposable variety can go a long way in helping ward off germs and keep a healthier classroom.

No Need to Share
Because disposable headphones are often much less expensive than their more permanent counterparts that were designed for repeated use, educators are able to purchase one set for each member of his or her class at the start of the school year. Students are then instructed to use their set of disposable headphones each time they use a computer or listening device, eliminating the need to share with a classmate, potentially also sharing germs. Additionally, young children who may still be learning how to share with their classmates will be delighted to get to keep their own pair, thus avoiding any unnecessary drama when the time comes to let another student have a turn!

Say ‘Later’ to Lice
The spread of head lice has always been an issue among the elementary school set, and the threat of lice doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon! By using disposable headphones in your classroom, you are virtually eliminating the possibility of a student contracting lice by sharing another child’s Chromebook headphones. Sure, there are still plenty of other opportunities for lice in childhood, but at least sharing headphones won’t be one of them!

Disposable headphones are a wonderful way to share interactive videos, computer programs, and more with students of all ages- without having to worry about spreading germs! By investing in a set of disposable headphones for each member of your class, you can rest assured that your students are protected against all kinds of nasty bugs- both metaphorical and literal!